
A revelation!

Part of my Britney Spears adoration comes from my absolute love of the Disney Channel's MMC. I would curse my family for not subscribing to the channel and anxiously wait for the free preview weeks. Any kid who loved to sing or dance must have been all over this show (or the comparable Kids Incorporated, featuring a young Jennifer Love Hewitt).

Anyone who used to watch "The All New Mickey Mouse Club" in the early 90s will love this site. It has song clips from every season, including the final two, which featured Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Justin Timberlake along with the seasoned vets, J.C. and Keri Russel. I must admit, my favorite on the show wasn't Britney, but Jennifer. When a girl I went to high school with told me that she ran into Jennifer in an elevator at NYU, I was very jealous - the girl can sing. Anyway, there are photos, videos and sound clips for the MMC fans to check out. Where else can you hear Britney and Christina singing together?

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